Thursday, June 21, 2012

Garden Design 'Quick Start Guide' only $4.99

 Click on video above.

Welcome to my garden in San Diego. We finished this project in only three days with "a little help from our friends." Our 'Quick Start Guide' shows you how to create wonderful gardens that are full and colorful, easy to maintain, and need much less water. You will save lots of money and your gardens will be the envy of the neighborhood. 

Click "Buy Now" below. Order your copy of the 'Quick Start Guide' for garden and landscape design today. Only $4.99 + tax. 

This project was designed and finished by us a few years ago. It has been featured in a major regional gardening magazine. The 'before' photo (at bottom) shows a an uninspired back yard. The finished gardens have transformed this home into a delightful retreat to enjoy.

 Gardening 'Quick Start Guide' ... now only $4.99 + tax.

Order your copy now. 
click the "Buy Now" button below
You will learn how to design, plant, and create your perfect, easy care gardens. 

Satisfaction fully guaranteed. Full refund if not 100% satisfied. 

Here are five key concepts I have learned, practiced, and presented to many groups during my 20 years in the creative business of garden and landscape design, landscape contracting, and the lawn and garden profession:

1) Have a plan...have a theme. Create 'outdoor living spaces.'

Learn the elements of design used by landscape and garden design professionals. These easy-to-follow ideas will guide you to wonderful gardens for your home. 

2) Planted beds are everything. Large beds are good. Large lawns are not so good!

See the most important things to do in your garden...and some urgent "Don'ts" that many people forget. 

3) Three things to never use: plastic lawn edging, gaudy colored stone, and forced concrete block retaining walls.

This might be obvious to some, but we see way too much of these. They are costly, often unsightly, but simple to avoid. We show you the best materials you should consider using.
4) Hardscapes will make or break your garden.

The stones, patios, garden walls, and other elements you choose truly will make your gardens memorable...or forgettable. We show you many ways to create fantastic hardscapes. 
5) The finishing touches...objet d'art, objet trouve.

The little treasures that tell everyone that this is your garden. We help you find and place them, 

The concepts shown above are appropriate for gardens and landscapes everywhere. We have worked in climates from the hot deserts of Arizona, to the American Midwest, to Southern California and San Diego.  

Here's what the major media has said about us. . .

"Your ideas are terrific"

Master Gardener Mike Nowak on his gardening program on WGN Radio AM 720 Chicago. Mike is a media celebrity and a wonderful gardener:

"An old world feeling that makes you think the luxuriant growth has always been there."  

"You leave the subdivision behind and say Bonjour! to a garden involving all five senses."
Chicagoland Gardening Magazine

"The most spectacular gardens you're going to see.". . . . . . "fabulous garden!"
NBC Channel 5 News Chicago

We truly believe that environmental responsibility should begin at home. By taking care to create landscaping and gardens that require a minimum of water, avoids plastics and other 'artificial ingredients', and uses little or no pesticides, you'll save time, money, and enhance and preserve your own piece of our planet.

In the weeks ahead be sure to click back in for the full story as we fully develop each of the above 5 Key Concepts. You will clearly see how your gardens will benefit. You can quite easily create lush and colorful gardens that are easy to maintain, will save you lots of money, and be environmentally friendly. And, be the envy of your neighborhood!

Your PDF file with your "Quick Start Guide" will be emailed to you within 24 hours. Available through PayPal. Be sure to enter your email address correctly in your PayPal account. regular U. S. Postal Service orders can be mailed. This offer is delivered via email only.

Your satisfaction is fully guaranteed. Full refund if not satisfied. 
You must notify is within 24 hours of delivery for refund.

Email me with your comments and suggestions:

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