Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Garden Design Blog Post Coming March 1, 2010

Coming soon, right after the new year begins, we will post some great garden and landscape design tips for you. By using these ideas in your gardens you will have full, colorful gardens that are easily designed, easy to create, and easy to maintain. Plus...they will save you time, money, and be "green"...environmentally friendly. If fact, by using these ideas that I have learned in 20 years in the landscaping business your gardens will practically design themselves. Really! And, be the envy of your neighborhood.

Before we start, perhaps you should gather together a few things: First, a copy of your plat-of-survey of your property. Next, some snapshots looking both in toward your home and out toward your perimeter. Finally, an architect's scale and/or an engineer's scale and maybe a landscape design template. We'll say more about later about where you can acquire these.

So far so good? Email me any questions you have: dpearl1@hotmail.com

Look for the first installment early in March 2010.


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