Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Garden Design...Five Key Concepts

Here are five key concepts I have learned, and preached, after 20 years in the creative business of garden design, landscape contracting, and lawn and garden products:

1) Have a plan...have a theme. Create 'outdoor rooms.'

2) Planted beds are everything. Large beds are good. Large lawns are not so good!

3) Three things to never use: plastic lawn edging, gaudy colored stone, and forced concrete block retaining walls.

4) Hardscapes will make or break your garden.

5) The finishing touches...objet d'art, objet trouve.

In the weeks ahead be sure to click back in for the full story on each of the above 5 Key Concepts. You will clearly see how your gardens will benefit. You can quite easily create lush and colorful gardens that are easy to maintain, will save you lots of money, and be environmentally sound. And hopefully, be the envy of your neighborhood!

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